African Academy of Languages

On behalf of H.E Amira Efadil, Commissiner for Social Affairs of the African Union Commission, The African Academy of Languages (ACALAN)
Specialized Language agency of the African Union is wishing you a Happy and prosperous New Year 2020

ACALAN organises Workshop on
Comprehensive and Interactive Platform and Bridging the 6 Gap Between the Computer and the African
Venue: Bamako Mali
Date: 02-03 October, 2019

African Regional Meeting on the
2019 International Year of Indigenous Languages
Date: 30-31 July, 2019
Venue: African Union Commission, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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The African Academy of Languages (ACALAN; French: Académie Africaine des Langues; Portuguese: Academia Africana de Línguas or ACALIN) is a Pan-African organization founded in 2001 by Mali's then-president Alpha Oumar Konaré, under the auspices of the African Union, for the harmonization of Africa's many spoken languages. The first head of ACALAN was Mali's former minister of Basic Education Adama Samassekou. As 2006 was declared by the AU as the Year of African Languages, June 21 saw the inauguration of the interim Governing Board of ACALAN in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
The African Academy of Languages (ACALAN) fosters Africa’s integration and